April 18th – Cow Pats and Face Packs

1999:   We went to make toast this morning, but the first lot of bread was mouldy, so I fed it to the birds.  Then mum burnt the next lot of toast.  Eventually we had toast, bacon and ketchup.  Mum went up to have a bath, I went up to join her and she had all this green stuff on her face.  She did look funny!  Something to do with making her look beautiful – I don’t know if I should tell her that she just looks very odd.  We went to the farm this morning; I sat on the play tractor for 15 minutes before we could go anywhere else.  We went to feed the sheep and I laughed because their tongues tickled my hands.  I got a bit frightened later though, when the big sheep bleated, and mum had to carry me, which was just in time for me to get a birds eye view of a cow doing the biggest poo ever.  I don’t envy her mummy having to clean that mess up.  My mummy doesn’t know how lucky she is!  We went to see the pigs and mum felt guilty about our bacon and toast this morning.  I don’t know why because they stink!  We spent time in the ball pit and soft play area and when we came out mum tried to get me to put my coat on.  Eventually she told me that I had to put it on as it had my sticker on for the farm.  Is she really that daft?  Look all you have to do is peel it off and stick it on my jumper!  What’s so funny about that then?  Tooth count up tonight – 10 top and bottom

2019:  Well trust me Crohn’s makes you poo just like that bloomin cow! I’m sure I love my bacon so much de to those smelly squealing pigs. I used to try and hold my nose and cover my ears when we went through the pigs bit of the farm. Pretty tricky with only two hands so I learnt to hold my breath. And as or face backs – Zof and I love a good charcoal one!